Tag: howard fishman

NYC Clippings: This Week’s Live Shows Include He’s My Brother She’s My Sister, brown bird … and a Ton More

brown bird
Saturday: brown bird Takes the Stage at Le Poisson Rouge

It may be so cold outside in NYC of late that your skin is slowly beginning to resemble that of an extinct, ghostly reptile … but if this week’s list of shows doesn’t pull you limb-by-limb out from under your down comforter, I don’t know what will.

First up, I was introduced to He’s My Brother, She’s My Sister a few years back when they opened for the band formerly known as The Rosewood Thieves at a warehouse party in Los Angeles. This guy and gal and their staple tap-dance-sideshow blew me away. This Thursday, they’re bringing their fun, folky whimsy to Mercury Lounge. You really should not miss it — sleet be damned. Check out the video below:

And of course, there’s brown bird, playing this go ’round with Brooklyn-based O’Death at Le Poisson Rouge. I can’t get enough of this duo, and LPR will be an awesome venue to see them do their thang.